EMBODIMENT for women

After a long time feeling unsafe to process your own traumas you might feel disconnected from your body but You are NOT alone.

This is a journey to walk side-by-side, to come back HOME & feel safe to process your emotions. A place of humanness where it is safe to soften, express and reconnect with the CORE of who you are.

Embark on this 1-1 Deep Somatic Journey and start to live life with your FULL expression.

(Click the link below & try a session for FREE)

begin your somatic healing journey

A Transformational journey to reconnect with your Joy, Purpose & Pleasure in Life.

Give yourself opportunity to be held and from that space of love, reawaken the energy within to share with confidence your talents with the world.


your experience includes:

A Pack of 12 Sessions to organise as you want (weekly or biweekly).

+ 1 FREE Follow up Session to integrate your experience.

Weekly support & Recorded Practices to explore in between sessions:

I’ll give you access to an entire platform with a Somatic Tool Kit and Embodiment practices that you can use to learn more about your body & become self-sourced.

Opportunity to have 1 group session/ month by joining my Embodied Women Community.

Payment plans are available, feel comfortable to ask questions over a call.

Note: 1 single session can be provided, however it is proved that a long-term commitment can have better results.

** Option to do the sessions in person if you are in MALLORCA. 

begin your journey

how can i help you

Having a place to land is a masterpiece. Whenever we feel scared and lost, knowing that someone can hold the space for you to process your emotions can be transformational and healing. I can help you honour it, somatically release & reconnect with your sensual aliveness.

Somatic therapy helps you process emotions within the body by facilitating the reconnection between the mind and body, helping you to listen to the body more effectively and become resourceful. 

Some Transformational Tools used: Somatic experiencing, Feminine Embodiment, Tantra, Shadow Work, Inner Child Healing, & Breath work. 

More than feeling, we’ll also move the body to create space & reawaken. Just like a river, it is important to move what is blocked & doesn’t allow you to fully be alive. Choose to no longer be apologetic for your femininity. Release shame to explore your Womanhood in a non-judgmental place where you can free yourself & explore being authentic.

what to expect

1st Month Tune with Safety: learn how to create a sacred space for emotional liberation, how to self-hold and self-regulate as we gently start to explore what wants to be felt & seen and (if its available) the inner child.

2nd Month Root to Rise: dive deeper, exploring old wounds/traumas, beliefs and reprogram the unconscious mind.

3rd Month Embody & Empower. Start to reawaken your real, unique & gifted self. Reconnect with your sense of aliveness and confidence to show up to the world.

Just like Peter Levine said: “Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of empathetic witnessing”.

This is a flexible structure where we move at your own pace to slowly start to live a life aligned with what you truly desire. 

I believe that we all have an INNATE POWER and you are not an exception.

What we can dive into

the oneself

Body Acceptance & Body Positivity: Explore your Womanhood without shame.

Honour your needs & learn to live in sync with your seasons. 

Feel safe welcoming emotions & learn how to self-hold.

Reparenting ourselves & develop a sense of belonging.

Release any feeling of unworthiness to develop unconditional love.


Feel safe to speak your truth and release the people pleasing.

Embody your “NO” & Practice settling boundaries-Ask for what you truly desire.

Recognise your value & release the fear of being abandoned or rejected.

Reconnect with Intimacy and what makes you feel safe and sensual alive.

Practice liberating your voice & communicate your owns needs.



Reconnect with what makes you feel alive and vibrant instead of overwhelmed.

Recognising your ultimate power, & trust on your unique talents.

Embody confidence to decide how you truly want to show up in your business. 

Embody confidence about your prices and services you provide.

Design little actions to start attracting instead of chasing.

start your journey

about Clara

Guiding women into freedom🦋

For most of my life I was afraid of being in my body. I suffered from panic attacks, went through an eating disorder and an abusive relationship. I was so afraid of being myself that I forgot who I was. I was NEVER good enough. The truth is that the only way out is (IN).

After finishing my Master’s in Psychology and specialising in working with survivors, I traveled the world in search of other tools that go beyond talking therapy. My biggest trip was to Asia and it was there where I had my biggest awakening as a Light worker.

I studied Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Breath work & Tantra but the Somatics was really a big transformation for me. I felt safer in my body, listened to it’s wisdom and become resourceful as a Woman. I started hosting events in different places around the world, creating spaces for deep healing journeys. I offer 1-1 and group immersions.

My passion? Is guiding WOMEN that just like me went through trauma, to build capacity to feel, Reawaken the body through sensual movement, & Recognising their ultimate POWER to fully live in their FULL expression.

It has become my mission, my passion & my soul purpose. I’m excited to meet you.

Examples of my work

What is Embodiment?

Embodiment means to fully be in our bodies, explore the energy, sensations and feelings. All emotions and thoughts have a body connection.

Embodiment creates an opportunity to be in touch with it and express through movement whatever we are holding on to. This not only helps to release the physical and emotional pain but also release the trapped energy that is making us feel drained or stuck. Because our Subconscious mind does not communicate through words, embodiment is the way to ground through the experience of the body we “re-claim” as it is a SAFE place to be.

What is an Embodiment Coach?

We use our body as tool to understand what is truly aligned with us: the goals that we defined, the projects that we designed, the words we use to market ourselves, the relationships that are in our lives.

Through the body sensations we can truly feel if anything sparkles our hearts. When we are doing something that is not what we truly want our vibrations are low and we feel a sense of emptiness/ loss of direction.

When you feel confident to be in your body without FEAR, you will be able to attract healthier relationships and the Career that you deserve because you know exactly what you want and who you want to be- You are Embodied.

kind words

“I feel better than a week ago, more lighter with all the energy work we did.
My relationship with my mother is getting better and I now recognise that I need to make more room for myself.
I didn't love myself or my image. Clara helped me to find space to finally understand how to give myself love to never lose myself again or be afraid to be rejected by others.”
“Clara is such a lovely being. She guided me through a very nourishing practice, reconnecting with my womb. I had opportunity to talk to my past and finally had an opportunity to let go.
After some sessions & inner work my left ovary started to work again and I am starting to be more and more passionate about the idea of being a mother. So, thank you so much to help me find safety within.
Clara is such a being of light and full of positive energy. I love that you can feel that she pours everything into her classes and work. She is very caring and attentive, always showing interest for how you are processing things, which makes all the difference. I would heart-openly recommend trying her sessions as she has a wide range of different methodologies for wellbeing and mental health.
Tania G.
“Clara is such a wise and magical person! She is full of knowledge to share it with those who show interest in self awareness, healing processes, the moon, mental health & more. I had the pleasure of enjoying a yoga class with Clara and thanks to her I discovered how good it feels to have a choice to decide how do I want to move my body. I really love the FREEDOM she provides.

I can't express enough how fortunate I am to have found Clara as my embodiment therapist. She is a truly powerful, beautiful, and loving soul who provides the most safe and compassionate container for self-exploration. Clara's approach to working with my deep wounds, ones that left me feeling broken and unworthy, has been nothing short of transformative. In the nomadic journey of seeking healing and growth, I've encountered incredible teachers from all corners of the world, but Clara's sessions have a unique depth and gentleness that I've never experienced before. Her gentle, soft, and kind presence reminds me that a compassionate look is always welcomed on the path to self-discovery. With Clara, I've learned that I am not broken; I am whole, I am worthy, and I am grateful for the profound healing she has facilitated in my life.

“My session with Clara felt like a warm nourishing embrace.
She supported me to feel so at ease and relaxed in the space.
Clara has a beautiful pace to her offerings, and with is and her gentle guidance, I felt safe with her to explore my inner world.
The spaciousness that Clara offered in her session, along with beautifully timed, reflections and invitations for deeper self-enquiry, supported me to meet new parts of myself.
And with her compassionate curiosity, Clara enabled me to stay connected with these parts of me following our session too, inspiring me to explore deeper integration and the reclaiming of lost parts, within my own practices.
I have a picture that deeply celebrates the parts of myself that I explored with Clara this summer 🙂
I am beyond grateful for her tenderness, her care, and her skilful curiosity which sparked my inner playful wild woman.
Thank you Clara, for supporting me to be more of me. From my heart to yours, I am so grateful.

So much love,
After the breath work, I slept like a baby.
Just like magic, all the pain in my body disappear and I was able to feel more lighter.
I am still trying to reconnect with my inner child as all that was pure was taken away from her. However, I am bringing her every day a little. I am feeling like a new woman, giving power to my voice, listen to my intuition. I am coming HOME.

Yoga became part of my morning routine.
I learning to start to prioritise myself, my rest and take it slow. To honour my own needs. The mantras you share are divine.
Thank you so much.
